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As required by SEBI Regulations, we have given the category-wise details of trail commissions earned by our company. These rates are inclusive of 18% GST.

Category Sub Category Commission %
Fixed Income Short Term Liquid / Money Market / Ultra Short Term 0.05% to 0.3 %
Fixed Income Long Term Gilt / Corporate Bond / Medium and Long Duration / Credit Risk 0.10% to 0.50%
Hybrid Arbitrage / Conservative Hybrid / Aggressive Hybrid / Balanced Advantage / Multi-Asset 0.30% to 0.70%
Equity Equity Oriented Funds, ELSS, Thematic, Sectoral, and International Funds 0.40% to 1.00%

We confirm that we do not receive any upfront commissions or any other incentives. All the commissions are received on trail basis per annum.