Money Mantras

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Asset Allocation

The process of diversifying the investments in different kinds of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, cash in order to optimize risk. Asset allocation helps an investor in managing the risk better.

Emergency Reserves

Emergency reserves refer to financial safety net for future mishaps and/or unexpected expenses. They should typically be 6 months of expenses.

Debt – Good & Bad

Debt can be good or bad. Good debt has the potential to increase your net worth or enhance your life in an important way. Bad debt involves borrowing money to purchase rapidly depreciating assets or only for the purpose of consumption.


Get started on your Will as soon as you start creating assets. There is no such thing as planning early.


Don’t combine insurance and investment. Insurance mitigates risk; get health and term insurance

Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is about being in control of your finances and your life choices.


A house has an important primary purpose but it isn’t an investment.


Investing is not about numbers but all about beahviours.